Accessibility Statement for

DJ Justin Pitlik is committed to ensuring accessibility for all visitors to our website, We strive to continually improve the user experience and make our site accessible to individuals of all abilities. We adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and other relevant accessibility standards.

Accessible Features:

  • Navigation: Our website is designed with clear and consistent navigation to enhance user understanding and orientation.
  • Text Alternatives: We provide alternative text for non-text content, ensuring that it is accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Color Contrast: We maintain sufficient color contrast to facilitate readability for users with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard Accessibility: Our website is navigable using a keyboard, ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies.
  • Descriptive Links: Hyperlinks are written to be descriptive and provide clear information about the linked content.

Ongoing Efforts:

  • We regularly review our website to identify and address accessibility issues.
  • Our team is committed to staying informed about the latest accessibility standards and guidelines.
  • Feedback from users regarding accessibility concerns is welcomed and will be addressed promptly.

Contact Information: If you encounter any accessibility issues while using or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at We value your feedback and are dedicated to providing an inclusive online experience for all users.

Date of Last Update: December 23, 2023